Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Woes of an #Unpublished #Author

I've let the stress get to me over the last year. I was told I needed an online presence, a career arc, topics, to be social and so much more.

All of this while writing, editing, finding beta readers and more.

How does an author do what they want to do - write? There's so many more demands unless you're Nora Roberts (I bet she doesn't have to think up blog topics).

So, beginning in march, I'm going to try to be regular about blogging. Does this mean daily? Probably not. I don't think I'll ever be that good. But I'll be looking for some weekly things to join and other things to do.


bertcarson said...

Last night I promoted you from Follower to Member - Happy Valentine.
Now - get an Avatar - that your FarieGodfather speaking.

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