Tuesday, April 1, 2014

#Paranormal #AtoZchallenge = A

an item that is worn as a charm to help combat disease, evil and or witchcraft.  It is an item worn as a preservative piece of jewelry and used for the protection of an individual against things that are generally considered to be bad.


Unknown said...

Amulets are in almost every fantasy novel that involves magic and paranormal. You can even wear your own amulet and I think a lot of people do that are superstitious and they do not even realize it. It could be as simple as a lucky hat, socks, necklace or whatever. Love your choice! Teresa From the following sitesFangirl Next Door

Stormy's Sidekick

Quackin Over Disney Geek On!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm visiting through the A to Z. My blog is about jewellery, I see we both started off with "jewellery as protection". My A was for Amber heart, amber was thought to protect you from ghosts and trolls. I was then thinking of internet trolls, in these days, so that's how I made the connection (plus, that simple amber pendant really speaks to me, in it's own right).

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